"Investing in North Carolina's incredible community colleges, like @waketechcc, is essential to preparing the next generation and so many of our workers for the jobs of tomorrow."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Deborah K. Ross:
"It's always exciting when the Biden administration comes to North Carolina! The @VP & @SecMartyWalsh are visiting @durhamtech today to discuss the historic job growth we've seen over the past year and how we can continue this momentum. abc11.com/kamala-harris-"Read on Twitter
"Tonight @POTUS articulated a vision for an America where no one is left behind and everyone has a fair shot at the American Dream. Despite the many difficulties we are facing at home and abroad, the state of our union is strong.My statement ross.house.gov/media/press-re"Read on Twitter
"I'm at the Capitol today for @POTUS's State of the Union. While there are many challenges we're facing at home and abroad, I'm looking forward to hearing the President's vision to build a better America." on March 1Read on Twitter