"Happy #NationalPetDay to my faithful companion, Wylie!"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Deborah K. Ross:
"When the Restaurant Revitalization Fund ran out, restaurants in Wake County & across the country were left without enough support.I voted to pass legislation that will deliver urgently needed relief to the restaurant industry as it continues to recover from the pandemic." on April 9Read on Twitter
"Heartbreaking stories like Athulya's are all too common in America. Our broken immigration system forces thousands of children to leave the only country they know.We must protect our Documented Dreamers by passing the bipartisan America's CHILDREN Act. twitter.com/ImproveTheDrea" on April 8Read on Twitter
"I recently hosted Mobile Office Hours in Raleigh to help folks access resources provided by the federal government. Don't miss the next one by subscribing to my newsletter here: rossforms.house.gov/forms/emailsig" on April 8Read on Twitter